Voiceover Coaching
Every area of voiceover work, like animation, commercial, promotional announcements, and industrial work, requires a completely different set of vocal skills. Knowing which tools to use in each situation is highly important to setting yourself apart in this very competitive field.
Presentation Skills
Public speaking and delivering presentations just come naturally to some people. Wondering how they do it? Maggie can work with you to tune-up your skills so you feel energized, confident, and fresh no matter what material you’re presenting. Maggie has worked with executives and individuals at all levels of organizations to find ways to present and speak more clearly and confidently.
Meet and Greet Coaching
Maggie also offers meet and greet coaching for the all-important in-person meeting. While so many of us are fantastic at texting, wizards at emails, and great on the phone, the one-on-one meeting can feel intimidating. After over 30 years in Entertainment and Corporate America, Maggie has had opportunities to coach many individuals to job or networking success.
Virtual Interview Coaching
With so many companies moving to a permanent remote working set-up, interviews are also moving to a virtual setting. There are special considerations and nuances to think about if you want to ace a virtual interview, and a coaching session with Maggie can help you identify areas of improvement.